Our References

RP and its associates are holders of many certificates such as ACCA, internal audits for economy, certification for internal audits for banks, tax advisory, CISA, CPA, etc.

Our references

Roland puls, as a young company, has been founded to collect knowledge, skills and experience from the team members. Here you can find a list of projects that team members were managing with description of their role in the project:

Hotel Selce, 2007.

Investor: Foregin investor
Renovation of hotel with 80 rooms
Investment: 2,4 mil EUR
Dino Manestar, CEO of investor and project team leader

Electric supply for stonepit, 2010.

Obtaining construction permit for electrical connection for stonepit Soboli
3 km route, coordination of owners of the land, compensation negotiation, etc.
Marko Sobotinčić, project leader

Industrial hall, 2012.

Investor: Montcommerce
Greenfield investment
Project development, plot purchase, contracting, building monitoring, obtaining construction and usage permit
Investment: 2 mil EUR
Marko Sobotinčić, project leader

Industrial zone Soboli, 2012.

Change of urbanistic plans of industrial zone Soboli according to investors guidelines
Marko Sobotinčić, project coordinator

Hotel Slaven, 2014.

Investor: Jadran d.d.
Renovation of 50 rooms hotel
Investment: 0,7 mil EUR
Dino Manestar, CEO of investor and project team leader

Hotel Omorika, 2015.

Investor: Jadran d.d.
Complete renovation of hotel with 115 rooms and increase from 2 to 4 stars
Investment: 1 mil EUR
Dino Manestar, CEO of investor and project team leader

Industrial hall, 2016.

Investor: Montcommerce
Greenfield investment
Project development, plot purchase, contracting, building monitoring, obtaining construction and usage permit
Coordination of EU funding (35% granted)
Investment: 1,7 mil EUR
Marko Sobotinčić, project coordinator

Hotel Katarina, 2016./2017.

Investor: Jadran d.d.
Complete reconstruction of 176 rooms hotel and increase from 2 to 4 stars
Investment: 5 mil EUR
Dino Manestar, CEO of investor and project team leader

Hotel Esplanade/2017.

Investor: Jadran d.d.
Complete reconstruction of 38 rooms hotel under state conservation protection and increase to 4+ stars
Investment: 5,6 mil EUR
Dino Manestar, CEO of investor and project team leader
New Project (43)

Industrial zone Soboli, 2018./19.

Obtaining construction permit and parcellation for the road in the zone
Marko Sobotinčić, project leader

Jadran d.d., 2018.

Managing process of Zagreb stock exchange listing and preparation for IPO
Managing investors relations
Dino Manestar, CEO of investor and project team leader

NPS Ltd., 2020. – on going

Investor: group
Managing process of takeover of juice production company and acting as investor for our clients
Dino Manestar, CEO of investor and project team leader
New Project (96)

Commercial zone Berhonjin development, 2022.

Support to investor for development of zone including development of spatial plans, road access, etc.

Development of buisness and commercial center Čavle, 2023.

Development of projects and programming
Changes of spatial plans

Sports center masterplan

Investor: Municipality
Developing master plan for sports center Grobnik including circuit, airport, hotels and camps and compementary services

Tourist resort master plan, 2020.

Investor: International IF
Support in development and projects for tourist resort capacity of cca. 900 guests

Zelena punta resort/on-going

Investor: International IF
Reconstruction and buildiing of tourist resort
Investment: 35 mil EUR

Logistics center, 2021. – on going

Leading development of commercial-logistics center on 200.000 sqm with over 60.000 sqm of closed space